Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mother Nature

We all know we cant control Mother Nature but we sure can try..... This week was very scary for friends and family in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. Imagine enjoying a nice day and then hearing the roaring winds and plummeting hail then 10 minutes later, everything you own is gone and in someone elses yard. What would you do?  I would be very confused, not knowing where to go or what to do.   This is why we need to help.. Go in your closets, go to the Dollar Store.... Gather items like dog food, cat food, detergents, household cleaning items whatever can help these people. Someday it could be you needing help...... While I am on a roll, how come it is that when Haiti or Japan we needed help but we cant help our own neighbors? Where are all the stars and business's helping? Where are the other countries when we need help. We have to fix this......... I may be only one person but I am willing to put one foot in front of the other and lending a helping hand.  Are you??

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hello Deana, you make a lot of sense here and I love your sensitivities. If only everyone could see it that way.

Been busy with my learning curve at WordPress since I had to move my blog there. But I'm back in business now and happy to have some time to visit some of my faves! Hope alls good in your neck of the woods. Take care, keri at